Hollywood Spectra [dm-citystate]
At M50 Med Spa we are proud to offer services to help our patients look and feel their best. One common reason our patients visit us is to improve the appearance of dull skin. The Spectra “Hollywood Laser Peel™” is our go-to treatment to help remove dead cells that accumulate on the top layer of the skin which can often create a dull appearance. Within hours, your skin can appear softer and more radiant. Not only does the Spectra treatment help to create a radiant and healthy glow, but each treatment can also help improve the appearance of melasma, acne, acne scarring, reduce pigmentation, pore size, fine lines, and wrinkles.

During the procedure, Spectra carbon lotion will be applied to the skin and will sit until it dries. We will then take a few passes of the laser over the treatment area, during which the skin will be heated to break up skin irregularities and stimulating the production of collagen. Meanwhile, the carbon lotion will be removed while ablating the top layer of your skin. While some patients need only two passes, some may need a third to achieve optimal results.

The “Hollywood Laser Peel™” is popular for those gearing up for a wedding, party, or other special event. We recommend coming in a week before your event to prepare your skin for your big day. Want to maintain your glow? Touch up appointments can be performed as frequently as every other week.

Contact us today for more information at (405) 930-3772.




Get an instant GLOW! This laser facial will leave you skin feeling clean with a no downtime glow. Get this facial immediately before your big event and be camera ready!


6 Treatments: $1,200
12 Treatments: $1,800

With a series of six or twelve treatments to target specific concerns like wrinkles, pigmentation, etc. to keep your skin looking and feeling its best!


3 Treatments: $750
6 Treatments: $1,350

This treatment is amazing for combating acne! A series is recommended for best results. Very popular with teenagers! Can be used on the body as well!